Cat Behaviour Services

Behavioural consults

For all behaviour problems such as:

  • Situational fear such as in the crate or Veterinary clinic
  • Anxiety and stress 
  • Phobias eg. thunder, fireworks
  • Aggression inter-cat or towards humans
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders such as over-grooming
  • Inappropriate toileting/house soiling 
  • inappropriate scratching
  • Age-related cognitive disorders (senility, dementia) and more. 

We will formulate a specific plan for your cat that involves environmental management, behavioural modification programs, training of specific behaviours and appropriate medication if indicated. We recommend 2 to 3 follow up consultations (see below) for best results.




Initial Consultation

Up to 2.5-hour consultation at your home

Price starting at $550 (travel may be extra)

Revisit Consultations

Up to 1.5-hour consultation at your home

Price starting at $250 (travel may be extra)

Several revisits may be recommended depending on the severity of the case and situation. 


For prices and to book in please go to our BOOKING PAGE  




Zoom Behaviour consult

Up to two-hour consultation via Zoom


Includes review of history, complete report and a 30-minute phone call in the 6 weeks post consult. 

Revisit Zoom Consultations

Up to 1 hour consultation on Zoom 

Price starting at $150 


For availability and to book in please go to our BOOKING PAGE  


Not sure what would best suit you and your feline?

Send us a message to see how we can help!

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